

Applications for all categories of membership must be submitted via the official online Membership Application Form.

The Management Committee appoints a Membership Sub-committee that shall comprise at least three members of the Management Committee, one of whom shall be a Vice President and who shall chair this sub-committee.

All membership applications shall be reviewed by the Membership Sub-committee. All decisions of the Sub-Committee shall be tabled at a Management Committee meeting for endorsement.

The Management Committee, on the recommendation of the Membership sub-committee, shall have the absolute discretion to reclassify the status of any member as and when it sees fit, and specifically in the event that the change of occupation contemplated in Article 4.2) occurs, and its decision shall be final and conclusive.

Neither the Management Committee nor Membership Sub-Committee is obliged to offer reasons for rejected applications.

All new members shall be notified of the availability of the Club's Constitution which is available at the website :


In the matter of voting only those regular, associate and corporate members whose subscriptions are not in arrears shall be entitled to attend and to vote at meetings. In the matter of holding of an elective office on the Management Committee, only regular and associate members may be eligible to be elected to hold office.

Social members may only participate in social, cultural and sporting events as determined by the Management Committee and shall be required to pay the prescribed fees of each event.

Honorary members may be invited by the Management Committee to hold advisory positions in the Club but shall not be eligible to vote at the Club's general meetings.

Guests from other overseas press clubs, with reciprocal arrangements with this Club, are eligible to attend the Club's events, upon verification by the Club's Secretariat. Guests shall be required to pay the prescribed fees and charges for each events, if applicable.

Members shall observe all prevailing Club rules and by-laws and are fully responsible for the conduct of their guests on the Club events.


A member may resign his membership on one month's notice, in writing, to the Honorary Secretary. Resignation shall not release a member from his obligations to the Club until all his dues are paid and his resignation accepted by the Membership Committee.


Any member is liable for expulsion from membership for misconduct, non-payment of dues and such other misdemeanour as the Management Committee may decide by a simple majority vote at a properly-constituted meeting.

The Management Committee may suspend a member during period of investigations.

Prior to expulsion, a member shall have the right to a hearing with the Management Committee within two (2) weeks of notification.

Charges shall be listed in the notice given to the member requesting him to appear before a meeting to discuss his expulsion.

Non-appearance of a member, charged with misconduct, at a meeting shall not prevent the Management Committee from discussing the charges in the absence of the offending member and from deciding on a vote of expulsion.

A member so expelled shall be notified, in writing, and the notice sent to him by registered post.


Membership fees are payable at the following rates:

Joining Fees ( One Time )

Regular : $50

Associate : $50

Corporate Partner: $1,000

Media Company Partner: $1,000

Social : $50

Annual Subscription Fees

Regular : $75 per annum

Associate : $200 per annum

Corporate Partner : $250 per Corporate Member per annum and $250 for fourth and subsequent Corporate Member.

Media Company Partner: amount to be determined based on number of employees membership to be activated.

Social : $150 per annum

Student : $40 per annum

Non-Resident : Nil

Honorary : Nil

Conversion to Life Membership

Life (Regular) : $750 one time

Life (Associate) : $1,800 one time

The membership fees may be varied from time to time by a properly-constituted General Meeting on the recommendation of the Management Committee.

At the discretion of the Management Committee, administration fees amounting to 20% of the applicable membership fees may be levied for reinstatement of memberships that have lapsed beyond three (3) months. Upon payment of such administration fees and membership dues, the membership shall be renewed until the next applicable anniversary of the membership.

Members in arrears for more than six (6) months shall have their names removed from the Register of Members and shall no longer enjoy the rights and privileges of membership.

The income and property of the Press Club, irrespective of when and how derived, shall be applied towards the promotion of the objects of the Press Club as set forth in this Constitution. No portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend or bonus or by way of profit to the persons who at any time are or have been members of the Press Club or to any person claiming through any of them.

  • Regular
    12 months
    Package price

    Editorial and management staff of newspapers, magazines, radio, television and news agencies, in any medium of language, are eligible to be regular members. Regular membership is also open to media professionals of digital media organisations, news photo services and feature services. Others who are engaged or involved in media-related activities may also be considered for regular membership as the Management Committee deems appropriate.

    Resident professional freelance journalists whose main income is derived from the above media activities may be considered at the sole discretion of the Management Committee.

    Every member under this category must be resident in Singapore.

    Taking into account the composition of the regular membership, the Management Committee may admit non-editorial staff of the above-mentioned media entities as regular members if it is of the view that these members can assist in promoting the Club's objectives.

  • Associate
    12 months
    Package price

    Those whose business or professional work is closely related with the media profession, such as public relations, marketing and corporate communication professionals and information officers in Government agencies may be admitted as Associate members.

    Taking into account the composition of the associate membership, the Management Committee may admit ex-journalists, former media-related professionals and other non-media professionals as associate members, if it is of the view that these members can assist in promoting the Club's objectives.

  • Student
    12 months
    Package price

    Students who are enrolled full-time in a degree or other certified programme at an accredited institution or university for journalism, mass communication, public relations or similar course may apply to become Student Members. All applications shall be accompanied by a letter from the school or a valid student card showing the expiry of the student status. Membership is subject to the approval of the Management Committee and the payment of the applicable fees, and is only valid for one year but renewable on proof of continued student status.

    Upon graduation or discontinuation of study, former Student Members may apply to convert to Regular or Associate Members on proof that they meet the respective membership criteria.

    The Club reserves the right to adopt additional membership categories as considered necessary and embark on any membership drive initiatives, implement incentives, including but not limited to varying membership fees or other privileges. This shall be at the Management Committee's sole discretion.

  • Social
    12 months
    Package price

    The Management Committee may invite those who are not eligible for Regular, Associate or Corporate Membership but who, in the judgment of the Management Committee, are able to contribute to or promote the Club's interests to become a Social Member subject to the payment of the applicable fees.

  • Life Regular
    Package price


    Any Regular Member or Associate Member who has been an active Club Member for a continuous minimum period of three (3) years may apply to be a Life Regular Member or Life Associate Member (as the case may be) subject to the approval of the Management Committee and payment of the prevailing fees. Such a Life Regular Member or Life Associate Member (as the case may be) must also continue to meet the criteria of Regular membership or Associate membership (as the case may be) for a further consecutive period of one (1) year. If a Life Regular Member or Life Associate Member (as the case may be) changes his occupation and fails to meet the criteria of continuous Regular membership or Associate membership within the first one (1) years of his Life Regular membership or Life Associate membership (as the case may be), the Management Committee shall reserve the right to revoke his Life Regular membership or Life Associate membership (as the case may be) without compensation. Such revocation shall be at the sole discretion of the Management Committee.

    The criteria set out above for the Life Regular Members and Life Associate Members will not apply to those who have been registered as Life Regular Members or Life Associate Members (as the case may be) of the Singapore Press Club (UEN No. S71SS0029D) as at 1 April 2016, save for the immediate paragraph below.

    In order to maintain the currency of the register of Life Regular Members and Life Associate Members, the Management Committee shall from time to time require Life Regular Members and Life Associate Members to update their contact details. Life Regular Members and Life Associate Members who remain not contactable for a consecutive period of three (3) years, shall have their membership revoked. The Management Committee may, subject to its sole discretion, consider appeals for reinstatement of Life Regular membership or Life Associate membership (as the case may be) and also impose administration charges.

  • Life Associate
    Package price


    Any Associate Member who has been an active Club Member for a continuous minimum period of three (3) years may apply to be a Life Associate Member (as the case may be) subject to the approval of the Management Committee and payment of the prevailing fees. Such a Life Associate Member (as the case may be) must also continue to meet the criteria of Associate membership (as the case may be) for a further consecutive period of one (1) year. If a Life Associate Member (as the case may be) changes his occupation and fails to meet the criteria of continuous Associate membership within the first one (1) year of his Life Associate membership (as the case may be), the Management Committee shall reserve the right to revoke his Life Associate membership (as the case may be) without compensation. Such revocation shall be at the sole discretion of the Management Committee.

    The criteria set out above for the Life Regular Members and Life Associate Members will not apply to those who have been registered as Life Regular Members or Life Associate Members (as the case may be) of the Singapore Press Club (UEN No. S71SS0029D) as at 1 April 2016, save for the immediate paragraph below.

    In order to maintain the currency of the register of Life Regular Members and Life Associate Members, the Management Committee shall from time to time require Life Regular Members and Life Associate Members to update their contact details. Life Regular Members and Life Associate Members who remain not contactable for a consecutive period of three (3) years, shall have their membership revoked. The Management Committee may, subject to its sole discretion, consider appeals for reinstatement of Life Regular membership or Life Associate membership (as the case may be) and also impose administration charges.